Entries by angel

The Amazon Kitten

Transamazonia is coming to cinemas at the end of the year. I have put together a few reviews for you and embedded the trailer. But I would like to tell you a story that happened on the set during the shooting. ne day our director Pia Marais arrived with a baby cat. She had found […]

Helena wins Phoenix Film Critics Society Award

The professional film critics in Arizona have awarded Helena for Best Performance by a Youth. She received the price for her role in News of the World with Tom Hanks. The award was given without any ceremony just via mail due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The Phoenix Film Critics Society Award is Helena’s first in […]

The Daily Telegraph says I could win the award. My mom says…

Hi, this is Anne Zengel writing, Helena’s Mom. Among the many articles that are being published about Helena at the present, one I particularly noticed in the Daily Telegraph – and about which I would like to say a few words. One is that the author traced Helena’s story impressively detailed and apparently had sources […]

TV-Interview: See me in my child’s room

Strange to me! What for a huge machinery here suddenly works for me around. In the USA, the agency 42West takes care of the media. And every one to two days, they send an email to my mom listing what has been reported about me. I also notice myself how much the interview requests have […]